Sometimes I do art, sometimes I do game design, sometimes I work in Blender. Currently taking a break from my projects. Check me out on Twitch, sometimes I play Geometry Dash

Will Ekstrom @SmolWingyFox

Age 23, Male

Unemployed (for now)

Hard Knocks


Joined on 8/19/20

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Game Dev 12 - It's always so hard to say goodbye

Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 11th, 2020

im going to put a halt on F(ur)reeRunners for the time being, along with all of my many other projects i have going and i know ill never complete. i came across this video on youtube and it showed me so much about myself


it helped me realize that im going about everything the wrong way. ive got so many different projects all going on at the same time that i often get super burnt out and can never finish any of them. what i need to do is take a step back, take a break from everything, and prioritize my own health before i get neck deep in yet another project i already know i cant finish. im going to put everything on halt, my game, my comic, my animations, all of it. the only thing im going to be working on is my little art projects for the time being. taking this break is most likely what i need to take the next step in my life and push myself where i want to go. i want to be a better person, but i cant make any progress if i spend all day every day on 20 different things. im going to put more effort into growing friendships properly, and actually put effort towards my own physical health. im going to make it priority in my life to do those things first before i allow myself to start some massive project with no end in sight. i apologize to those who were keeping an eye on this project, but i really need this break, or else im going to break again... i dont want that, and i dont want any of you to see that. thank you so much for your support, i hope to come back to this one day

love you guys <3





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