Sometimes I do art, sometimes I do game design, sometimes I work in Blender. Currently taking a break from my projects. Check me out on Twitch, sometimes I play Geometry Dash

Will Ekstrom @SmolWingyFox

Age 23, Male

Unemployed (for now)

Hard Knocks


Joined on 8/19/20

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SmolWingyFox's News

Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 11th, 2020

im going to put a halt on F(ur)reeRunners for the time being, along with all of my many other projects i have going and i know ill never complete. i came across this video on youtube and it showed me so much about myself


it helped me realize that im going about everything the wrong way. ive got so many different projects all going on at the same time that i often get super burnt out and can never finish any of them. what i need to do is take a step back, take a break from everything, and prioritize my own health before i get neck deep in yet another project i already know i cant finish. im going to put everything on halt, my game, my comic, my animations, all of it. the only thing im going to be working on is my little art projects for the time being. taking this break is most likely what i need to take the next step in my life and push myself where i want to go. i want to be a better person, but i cant make any progress if i spend all day every day on 20 different things. im going to put more effort into growing friendships properly, and actually put effort towards my own physical health. im going to make it priority in my life to do those things first before i allow myself to start some massive project with no end in sight. i apologize to those who were keeping an eye on this project, but i really need this break, or else im going to break again... i dont want that, and i dont want any of you to see that. thank you so much for your support, i hope to come back to this one day

love you guys <3




Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 11th, 2020

So I've made a small change to my main playermodel. iu_166635_8156033.jpg


So these are the old feet of my playermodel. I've always felt they've been a bit... Blocky. I took it upon myself to update the pawbs to be much more expressive and not so sharp.





he actually has toes now :D

and the correct amount, too

I made these last night at like 12am, then this morning I was like "pawbs... yes must use" so I did :3c



Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 10th, 2020

F(ur)reeRunners Update Blog:

So I have made a decision I believe is gonna help me a lot in the long run. I've decided to completely scrap my old project file and start anew on this one. Now that I have a clear goal in mind for my game, I know exactly what is needed to make this game. I've got a working run, jump, crouch, and walk state system in place, along with a system that forces you into a walking state when inside a building. I've been workin hard on putting my custom playermodel back into this project to no avail, so for now your'e gonna be seeing monochrome Aeryn a lot u.u.


I look forward to adding more to the game soon, and I will continue posting my progress as promised <3




Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 9th, 2020

So for this project I've decided to go with a 3rd person open world parkour simulator, hopefully with multiplayer support. The game is gonna be called F(ur)reeRunners, and will be set in the city of City Town. Definitely lots of inspiration from the Mirror's Edge games, with my own little flair if I can pull this off. I'll keep updating on this page as I do normally, so keep an ear out for those.



Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 9th, 2020

So I'm gonna need some feedback on this idea. I have a few conflicting ideas on what I can make and I really need help deciding. Here are the options.

3D Rogue-Like Shooter (maybe not this one)

Open World Sandbox/Third Person Parkour Game (I really like this one)

Open World Story Driven Game

I'm heavily leaning towards the parkour game because this is my first actual game and I don't want to get really burnt out over this quickly. I also want this to be an online game, and having it be story driven wouldn't be the easiest thing for me.


Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 8th, 2020

This is a continuation of my last new post, featuring some new modes for my game

To start with part 2, I grabbed one of my earliest game models and rigged it up to be used on this skeleton as a kind of call back only I will understand :p

Probably gonna have some secret area in-game to unlock it


And to round this long update off, here are a few back items, mostly also taken from that old game :p








That's all for yesterday's news, may work on a few more later today or tonight if I'm up to it, then eventually import them into the game c:



Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 8th, 2020

Update! :D

So my computer is all back and running properly, so I got some more work in yesterday on some more game models. First up is some basic clothing.









They will all use a similar customization system as the body colors, and can be changed in game.

Next, I made some more hairstyles, including updating an old one






Also, some more face accessories


Also I know this one is already too long, but I have to split it into two updates because of the upload limit ><



Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 7th, 2020

so a windows update crippled my pc, causing me to have to reset. i was able to keep my files, but its gonna take me a couple days to get all my applications back and get everything running before i can continue work on my game. i apologize for a lack of progress recently, been a lil stressed and i just havent had any time to work on it. im still working on it, but just taking my time for now



Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 5th, 2020

so im kinda upset

just a bit

ive been having this issue since the start of my development, and i have absolutely no idea how to fix it


so whenever i move my camera, the upper half of his body is set to follow the camera and for the most part it works very well. the problem is when i look up or down, his torso bends left or right instead of up or down. ive spent probably 3+ hours so far messing with variables and i cant get it to work. if im honest this is the main reason i havent been working on the game because it makes me upset

so moving on

ive got the first level map started, the desert area


its a fairly small map and its mostly cinematic, so the player doesnt do a lot in this part. i havent been able to get a lot of landscaping done yet (mostly due to my frustration and wasting time on the previous issue). ill maybe work on it tomorrow or sunday, idk


also ive got a first and third person system working good, along with scrollable zoom in 3rd person

anyways im out for the night because im sick

also im gonna start dating these logs



Posted by SmolWingyFox - September 2nd, 2020

I apologize for the lack of updates on the game recently, been spending a bit of time on the story before I go any further in development so I know where to focus my efforts.

So for this game, a group of scientists are testing out a device that can teleport objects, but the machine malfunctions and goes through a wall, hitting the main protagonist on the street. They are sent through a portal into an alternate dimension, in a completely new body. They land in the desert (nearly being crushed by the wall the device teleported with you) with only a single road in sight. You, the now injured protagonist now have to make your way to the street and stop a car, if one finally arrives.

I have a little bit more written past this, but for spoilers sake I'll keep em to myself for now :p

Anyways, that's all for now. I hope to keep workin on it and I'll keep y'all posted ^^
